GROWTH INSTITUTE provides Training, Coaching, and Consultancy Services for individuals and also for the small and medium size business as well. It is a leading provider of Self Help and Success Growth education. We offer not only the knowledge necessary to scale up performance but also the skills necessary to implement it.

At GROWTH INSTITUTE, you will get the best training resources to build the systems and processes you need to thrive. Today, learning doesn't cut it. You need the structure and support to implement and really build your success.
Our training programs will help leaders like you stay ahead of the curve!
We support growth for executives and their companies too.   

Our Values

Driven by growth and learning

Inspire yourself and your team. Practice what we preach. Above all, learn every day. 

 Honor knowledge

Create value. Respect content. Give recognition and credit where it is due. 

Speak your mind

Build trust through open and honest communication. Share information and ask a lot of questions.  

 Own the outcome. Get it done

No excuses, finish what you start and focus on results. Share the risks and share the wins. 

 It takes a community

Two is better than one. Do collaborative work. 

It's always the first date

Maintain a memorable reputation    

Easy Speaking Course Book

ইজি স্পিঙ্কিং কোর্স বুক  লেখক: আব্দুল কাদের (কাউসার)
সংক্ষিপ্ত বই পরিচিত: #"ইজি স্পিকিং হচ্ছে" খুব সহজে ইংরেজীতে অনর্গল কথা বলার দক্ষতা অর্জনের জন্য রচিত এটি একটি সেলফ-হেল্প কোর্স-বুক। অর্থাৎ আপনি ঘরে বসেই এই বইটিতে দেয়া ২৪-টি ক্লাসের অনুশীলনগুলো ধারাবাহিক ভাবে চর্চা করার মাধ্যমে দৈনন্দিন জীবনের বিভিন্ন প্রয়োজনীয় মুহূর্তে সাবলীল ভাবে ইংরেজীতে কথা বলার দক্ষতাটিকে আয়ত্ত করে নিতে পারবেন।
লেখককে ফেসবুকে খুঁজে পেতে: 



BUK CAFÉ is an associated organization of Growth Institute. We do present;
• Book Reviews,
• Book Summaries,
• Subject-Wise Reading Lists, (i.e. Financial Freedom, Self Help, Relationship, Sales Skill, Entrepreneurship etc.)
• Promote, Published and Sell various books.  

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